As Miss Crankypants goes around trying to convince unknown writers to start their own blogs, the work is never ending. Meanwhile, she’s learned that all blog activity is NOT created equal. One frustrated writer wrote that in two years of blogging, he’s had exactly 37 page views. Which were mostly him, logging on to check on the page views.
Another whines that her agent won’t allow her to guest blog on the agency site for fear it might look like a TV commercial. Say what? Miss CP snidely points out that the Internet is mainly one big fat commercial and you can’t even tivo it. But what really steams dear Miss CP was the offending agent’s cruel statement that the agency had plenty of BIG NAME WRITERS if they ever did want a TV commercial, which they do not. Ouch!
Why is it always about big names, you ask?
Because EVERYTHING is a commercial, which leads us right back to where we started.
In order to get a job you have to have a job, the old saying goes. In order to get a big name you have to have a big name–can you spell Kardashian?
Miss Crankypants is far above all this name dropping. She cannot be bought by fame or mesmerized by bestseller lists. She writes for the pure joy of it, to help others and if there’s a few bucks involved, well it all goes to building schools in Afghanistan. And if they run out of schools to build, she’ll take those stones or, uh, dirt clods, and turn them into mud. How’s that for a commercial?
Preach it, Miss Crankypants!!
And so the world turns for we unknowns who want to be known, but won’t join the self promotion to do it. Oh, well.
Yes, Cecelia, it is a dark day indeed for writers who wish the world would go away and leave them in peace so they could write. Thanks for your wisdom her on Miss Crankypants. ~Linda aka Miss CP