Attention all writing students: Thursday, May 7 is our Field Trip to visit MidValley Willamette Writers at 6:30PM. Tsunami Books, 2585 Willamette St., $5 admission. The speaker is a Children’s/YA panel of published authors, a Q&A format. Bring your enthusiasm and your questions.
For Oregon writers: In addition to Willamette Writers, Oregon Writers Colony, Oregon Christian Writers, Pacific Northwest Writers, Oregon Literary Arts offer different types of writing support. In general: there are organizations for every genre, from children’s to Romance to Scifi/Fantasy and beyond. If you are trying to support yourself writing, Author’s Guild and others offer health insurance benefits.
Writing Tip for Today: Do a search for writing support groups and organizations in your area. Google “writing organizations” by state or consult a writing market guide to access what might be available. When weighing which to join, a few questions might be,
- What do I receive for my membership fees?
- Does the organization run writing contests or hold conferences or workshops?
- Are there mentors or advanced writers who may be available to help my writing?
- Does the organization promote networking among its members? You don’t need to join every organization, but having access to networks, advanced techniques or agents often make joining at least one a worthwhile endeavor.