On Fridays, a lot of freelancers I know use their writing time to research markets, agents and write covers for submissions. If you are writing several projects at once, you might try designating Fridays as Marketing and Submissions Day. The only writing you do on Friday is for cover letters or perhaps to polish your query letter or synopsis. It’s a time to pore over market guides; surf online for periodicals, book publishers or literary agents; make lists or keep track of submissions and responses in a log book of some sort. For snail mail, have at the ready: Printer paper and ink, addresses and labels, sases (self-addressed stamped envelopes), stamps and a submission log. For email submissions: submission log, urls.
Know the name of the agent or editor (never address to Sir or Editor), whether they prefer snail or email, what they’re looking for and how much material they request. Follow the guidelines as closely as possible. Then, on Monday, you’ll get back to the work-in-progress. Don’t fret about whether or not they’ve read your submission. Don’t call them and ask if they liked your work. If you haven’t received a response after 2-3 months, contact in writing with a simple, Please give me an update of my submission.”
Writing Tip for Today: When you search for markets or agents, make an “A” list and a “B” list. The “A” list will be harder to break into, but more prestigious or better paid. The “B” list might be more accessible, but watch for low pay or possible scams. Don’t pay to publish.
A reputable market or agent makes money by selling magazines or your work, not from its writers. Have a productive Friday.