Today’s my birthday, so of course I’m thinking green. For writers, green might mean some specific things we can do to maximize production and minimize waste. Electronic submissions come to mind as one of the most “paper-saving” green ways to write. The Kindle may or may not be the next big thing for books, but it certainly makes it easy to tote around a lot of material. You wouldn’t want to lug a suitcase of your favorite beach reads, but you might pack a Kindle. And last, publicity via the web is emerging as a cost-effective alternative to traditional press kits and even in-person appearances.
Writing Tip for Today: No, electronic “green” writing had better not replace a good old-fashioned book. I love the look, the feel, even the smell of a book. But the way we generate our material is definitely changing. How do you feel about reading via Kindle or other electronic means? I’d love to hear from you.