I had an epiphany this week–or rather, my literary agent handed me an epiphany. Since the readers of this old blog are often my writing students and/or closet writers who still need to take the plunge, I’m going to concentrate on writing-related posts. That way, you not only get all sorts of intersting factoids about me and my books, you also take away some useful writing tip.
So stay tuned–this is going to force me to post more but maybe write shorter daily plugs.
Writing Tip for today:
When you finish a piece of writing in its first draft form, let it sit for a while if possible before revising. After your piece gestates or cools off as we sometimes say, you’ll be more objective and can cut, add or rearrange with less emotional strings attached.
Words are like Doritos–if you have to cut some, remember that you can always make more.
Happy writing.