Today I’ve invited a newly contracted debut novelist to share her story. Cheryl Linn Martin has been doing all the right things: writing lots, joining writing organizations, attending conferences, keeping up a blog. When I heard that she landed a three book contract for a middle grade novel series, I was so pumped! Be encouraged, all you writers. Here’s the scoop in her own words.
Do You Like Riding Roller Coasters?
Then you should be a writer!
You and I have been riding the same roller coaster (known as writer) for quite some time. We’ve enjoyed the highs of a requested book proposal, becoming a contest finalist (or maybe even a winner!), and connecting with encouraging critique partners. But there’s also been the lows of rejection, harsh critiques, rejection, waiting for months, rejection, information overload, rejection, lack of creative new ideas, and . . . rejection.
Be encouraged as you scale the ups, plummet to the lows, soar through the straight-aways, and bullet around the upside-down curves. It’s not all about spiraling through an uncontrollable track. It’s about gaining momentum, surviving the drops, and remaining secure in your seat belt as you dare to reach the highest point and eventually coast into the station.
My first four years on this mega-monster-coaster were loaded with writing and learning. I attended conferences, took workshops, and found a critique group. The next four years were packed with setbacks (but not failure!) as God showed me exactly what I needed to be writing—and how to do it.
The next year took me to some high points in my writing, and by the end of that time, I had an agent, Terry Burns, of Hartline Literary. He worked faithfully to get my work out to just the right editor, and after a little over a year, I was actually offered two, three-book contracts for my middle grade mystery series, The Hawaiian Island Detective Club. I had to consider each publishing house and choose one of the offers. It was a difficult task, as each one had attractive qualities. While in St. Louis for the ACFW national conference, I was able to look at the contracts, make a decision, and let Terry know at Saturday morning’s breakfast!
Now I guess I’m getting off that ride, but I won’t be heading to the merry-go-round. Another roller coaster (known as author), even larger, looms ahead. The world of publishing, major editing and rewrites, marketing, sales, and reviews awaits me.
Work your way through that scary, challenging roller coaster and I’ll see you soon on the second one. I think it’s going to be a GREAT ride!
Thank you, Linda, for allowing me to Guest Blog today.
Cheryl Linn Martin
The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One, Pineapples in Peril, coming in the Fall of 2012
Comfort Publishing
I’m so excited for you, Cheryl! Your story is an excellent reminder to hang in there, press forward and keep on truckin’!
Looking forward to seeing your novels in print!
Thanks, Nicole! I feel very blessed to be where I am, and excited to see where this new journey takes me!
Delightful! That is what you are Cheryl, in spirit and in talent!
What a perfect way to describe the “ride” you’re on at the moment. I hate rollercoasters, but I can’t wait to take the ride you described in your post. Enjoy the fun along the way because you TRULY deserve it! 🙂
Cheryl, I’m so grateful for your enthusiasm. Your story will be an encouragement for those still trying to get published. ~Linda
I enjoyed the roller coaster analogy. When my son was about 5 he convinced me to take him on a little roller coaster at Fun Town USA. I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted, so off we went. Just as we reached the top he said, “I changed my miiiiinnnnddddd!” Oh what a ride we’re on and no turning back. You go, girl!
Thanks soooooo much for your support, Linda, Deb, and Cuffe sisters!! Your sweet comments and support mean the world to me.
And I’m so glad to have everyone beside me (or behind and in front of me?!) on this roller coaster ride!
Thanks, again, Linda, for allowing me to blog on your site. I think you give great advice to all writers, especially those in the beginning stages.
yeah! ride away
What a fun and encouraging peek into your journey, Cheryl! Thank you for sharing it. I have a feeling you have many exciting moments ahead. 🙂
Thanks, Linda! I’m really looking forward to the ride.
Wow, so many Lindas! : )
Woo Hoo! I knew her when! I knew her when! So happy and excited for you, Cheryl. Great post, too. It’s gonna be a great ride!
I am totally excited to be on this journey, Jessica and Karla! And I wouldn’t be here–couldn’t have done it without you guys helping me and supporting me along the way.
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