Today is my only daughter’s wedding, and so I’m posting very briefly. Her impending vows make me think about trust.
Writing Tip for Today: How is trust important to your writing?
- The “promise” you make at the opening of your story implies that you’ll answer this story question by its end. The reader must trust your ability to deliver on that promise.
- The world you create in a story must be consistent and/or logical in its changes. Readers must trust the rules of this created world in order to enjoy the vivid and continuous dream.
- With each bit of publishing progress you make, you are building an audience. That audience must trust in your ability to deliver a story they will want to follow.
Let’s hope my lovely daughter and her groom trust each other enough to make their marriage long and happy. A toast to the bride and groom: Alyssa and Ryan. Masel tov!