A good friend gave me some great ideas on how to be creative in portraying character emotions. I’m used to more of a literary approach and wasn’t sure how to move beyond blushing and staring in romance writing. So today, I’m asking: how do you write about attraction between the sexes?
Writing Tip for Today: I’m not a beginner, but that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped learning the writing craft. The best writers usually seek to improve their skills no matter how many books to their credit. This doesn’t mean you should become a “workshop junkie,” where you attend gobs of workshops but don’t actually write much. Still, a brush-up class can be a good choice. Even if you’ve taken the class before, you’re a different writer now. Chances are, you’ll see the topics presented with fresh eyes.
Try This! List five ways your character might experience that first glance across the crowded room.
I’ve been lurking on your site for a while now, and could so relate to today’s post. I write historical fiction (not historical romance), but my stories often contain some romance because, well, love is part of life.
When I write about a romantic attraction, I try to emphasize the way we become aware of another person rather than simply seeing them. For me, this often involves the sense of smell.
A friend pointed out the reason recently, and it made sense to me. Sight is a sense that remains external. Touch is a bit more intimate as contact is made, but it is still an external form of sensory perception. The senses of smell and hearing are our first perceptions of another within ourselves, so the sound of their voice or the smell of their soap is more intimate, more personal. In my friend’s hierarchy, the taste of a first kiss would be most intimate of all…and I agree!
When I follow this sensory progression, it helps me avoid descriptions such as “her heart thrilled; his stomach lurched” which can sound more like the onset of a virus than mutual attraction. 🙂
Gosh, Lynn, that’s mostly what I do intuitively, so it’s great to have you reinforce that idea. Thanks for your valuable comment!
I always learn something in every workshop I attend. I figure even if it’s only one little snippet, it was worth my time. That little thing could make a huge difference in my writing!