Write what you know, right? For most writers, chasing down the current fad by trying to write what’s “hot” usually takes far too long or lacks the passion evident in the work you aspire to in the first place. YET, if you stick to only what is comfortable and never try anything new, you may shortchange your writing apprenticeship or never discover your range and versatility. Go ahead, flap your stubby wings now and then. Jump off into the terrible beautiful sky. Circle around with a type of writing that feels less comfortable. It’s a prerequisite for flight.
Writing Tip for Today: Big changes are coming your way here at the blog. On Fridays, I’m going to start posting stories and excerpts from my work-in-progress. On Wednesdays, I plan to feature a book review or author interview. Mondays, as soon as I can get some willing writers, I’ll be posting guest bloggers. Tuesdays and Thursdays will still feature writing tips, and the weekends are up for grabs. Ya gotta mix things up now and then. I’m even going to take my own advice and write some stretch-your-wings stuff I’m a newbie in: Romance, Historical, even some Mom-lit. Stay tuned.