Many writers I know, young and old, get through their deadlines by noshing as they type. My secret sin is pretzels (the stick kind) because they don’t drip and I can (sort of) count them to know when I’m at my pretzel limit for the day. Other writers tell of the bottomless popcorn bowl or Lay’s potato chips (the folded ones). What’s your main writer sustenance when you dare not step away from the keyboard?
Tomorrow, I’ll be guest blogging on my pal Deanna Hershiser’s site: She tells me her audience is mainly young moms who are also interested in writing. And food. Did I mention food? When she said, “The readers are young moms who are looking for good recipes,” I laughed. Pretzels, popcorn or folded potato chips? Tune in tomorrow to discover which of these writer vital foods make the recipe corner.
Writing Tip for Today: I don’t know about you, but I am much more creative when I nibble as I type. The problem is, my behind-in-chair might get too big for the chair. Uh-oh. Time for celery sticks on duty. Not the same, is it? If you eat at the keyboard, you’ll also need coffee or some other beverage to wash your noshies down. Just keep that mug away from the electronics.
the endless cuppa tea has yet to destroy my keyboard aND caffiene is the last great and legal drug there is….