Memoir writers often struggle at first with their work. They reread it and see all those capital “I”s. Immediately some past English teacher’s face looms, wagging a finger. “Don’t refer to yourself in your writing,” she scolds. “”You’ll seem self-centered.” But wait. A memoir is all about you. How can you reconcile the story and the “I?”
Writing Tip for Today:
- Whether you’re writing memoir or fiction in the first person, that “I” feels problematic at times. Try reordering some of the sentences so you don’t begin every sentence with “I.” EX: I was trained in classical guitar. Classical guitar was my passion.
- The POV character is the “I” voice. You don’t need to say “I saw Mom putting on her makeup.” “Mom put on her makeup.”
- A memoir is about you. The reader expects to see a lot of “I.” Don’t worry–that English teacher’s advice is outdated.