Promoting Your Book Through Radio Interviews

Some of you may not be at the stage where you’re thinking about promotion–you are trying to get that manuscript into publishable shape. Yet if you stick to it and don’t give up, you will need to promote your work at some point. What about radio as a promotion medium?
Tonight I’ll be interviewed on WLGT Blog Radio, airing at 6PM Pacific and 9PM Eastern. We’ll be discussing my debut novel, The Fence My Father Built. I’ve put the button for the station on the side of this blog–please go to the site and listen in if you can. Yesterday I taped another interview on Midday Connections with Anita Lustrea (Moody Broadcasting) and I’ll let everyone know when it airs in January or February of 2010.
Writing Tip For Today: Even if you feel miles away from promoting your book, if you’re persistent and you practice, it will probably happen. When you finally hear that “yes” from a publisher, it’s tempting to think you have slain the publishing beast. You will have joined a group of writers who actually see their work published, but the real job lies ahead. Make it easier on yourself (especially if you are a shy writer) by cultivating skills you’ll need to promote your book. If you freeze up at the thought of a radio or television interview, start working on it now. Join a toastmaster’s club so you will have speaking skills when you need them. Volunteer to read aloud, make announcements or other “out-in-front” activities at your church or workplace. By getting more used to the spotlight, you’ll be better able to handle an interview opportunity when it presents itself. You can do it!

About Linda S. Clare

I'm an author, speaker, writing coach and mentor. I teach both fiction and nonfiction writing at Lane Community College and in the doctoral program as expert writing advisor for George Fox University. I love helping writers improve their craft and I'm both an avid reader and writer of stories about those with wounded hearts.

1 comments on “Promoting Your Book Through Radio Interviews

  1. So true, Linda! When you said the real work begins AFTER publication, you weren’t kidding. All this promotions stuff is not something i had bargained for. My debut novel “And The Beat Goes On’ has just recently been released and now I find I have little creative energy left at the end of the day once all the promotional stuff is out of the way. Because I’m trying to be a good promoter, I’ll link to my book – http:/

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