600 Posts? Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Today I’m posting my 600th blog entry. Woo-hoo! And to think that only a couple years ago I was told that I could join a blog ring when I had 50 posts. And I’m proud to announce that today I am debut author Meg Moseley’s guest. Please stop by and comment if you can.
Writing Tip for Today: If you are just starting down the “platform-building” road, getting to 50 posts on a blog may sound daunting. At the OCW conference, several writers talked about how difficult it is to come up with new post material and the challenge of posting on a regular basis.

  • Freeze Your Meals. If you have a difficult time thinking of material or are still trying to define your blog’s theme, take the pressure off and borrow a tip from working moms. Instead of preparing a whole week’s meals on the weekend, try jotting down topics as you think of them (hint: sometimes just reading another blog will provide a subject, especially if you have your own thoughts or opinions on it). Then, on slow days or the weekend, prepare several posts and then instruct your blog to post them at a certain date and time. On Blogger, you can find this function under “options” at the bottom of your post box.
  • Decide on Frequency. It’s OK if you can only post twice a month. Don’t try to be daily or even weekly if you know your life is too full. I think you will be most successful if you create a posting pattern and stick to it.
  • Define Your Brand. Spend some time thinking of what defines you as a writer. Maybe you write about Midwestern country life, or your themes feature dogs (or cats!). You can use the themes, locations or other specific features of your writing to write posts about. If you write historicals, maybe you’ll post cool facts about the period, or showcase daily life in that time.
  • Slow & Steady. Be faithful in the little things such as regular blog posting and your audience will come to trust you. And before you know it, you’ll have a gazillion posts too. Onward!

About Linda S. Clare

I'm an author, speaker, writing coach and mentor. I teach both fiction and nonfiction writing at Lane Community College and in the doctoral program as expert writing advisor for George Fox University. I love helping writers improve their craft and I'm both an avid reader and writer of stories about those with wounded hearts.

1 comments on “600 Posts? Slow and Steady Wins the Race

  1. I love the ‘freeze your meals’ method. I do this all the time with posts. sometimes its just an idea and sometimes its a full blown article. Now that I have a schedule, I can fit these ‘make ahead’ posts into the appropriate slot. Easy-peezy! (Sounding like a cookbook?!)

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