3 EZ Tips to Promote Your Book

As some of you know, my new Quilts of Love novel, A SKY WITHOUT STARS, just released last week from Abingdon Press. As excited as I am, I’m also waist-deep in interviews, setting up book events and press releases. But there are other cutting-edge ways to promote a book.
Writing Tip for Today: Most new authors think of book signings or using social media such as Facebook or Twitter to get the word out about their latest release. What are some other EZ ways to approach book promotion?

  • Hold a Raffle, Contest or Giveaway. My publisher, Abingdon Press, generously purchased a quilt for some of the Quilts of Love authors to use in book promotion. My book is about the Lakota Star pattern, and I’ve received a genuine handmade Lakota quilt. The quilt’s purchase price has already benefited the St. Joseph Indian School in South Dakota. But I wanted to do more. I decided to raffle off the quilt to benefit Lillian Vallely Indian school in Blackfoot, Idaho.  In order to maximize potential donors, I investigated several online sites: Rafflecopter.com, Kickstarter.com and indiegogo.com.  I chose indiegogo because their set-up allows for fundraising for certified nonprofits, they allow for different levels of giving and because they have an option to keep all the money raised even if the goal isn’t met. Depending on your goals, one of these sites could be helpful in organizing, publicizing and collecting for your goal. If yours is for a nonprofit, like mine, be sure to let everyone know that donations are tax-deductible. Be sure to check your state’s laws concerning contests, raffles and giveaways as you set yours up. 
  • Hold a Facebook Launch Party. You could set up and designate a special group or page on Facebook and offer a nice giveaway to lure participants. During the “party,” readers can ask you questions and you can give away items hourly or however you wish. Aside from autographed copies of your book (yes, they have an app to “sign” e-books!), you might consider giving away a Skype chat, naming a character after a participant or purchase one larger prize (Kindles and iPads are popular) to be given away in a random drawing. Other ideas include themed baskets, Starbucks cards or even costume jewelry.
  • Use Topics to Find Readers. Even if you’ve published a mainstream or literary novel, your book likely deals with themes or topics that attract certain people. For instance, if there’s a loyal dog in your story, join a couple of dog organizations. But don’t join only for the purpose of hawking your book. Take a genuine interest and only after you’ve formed relationships, mention you have a book. Chances are, the members will be curious. If your story deals with domestic abuse, volunteer or donate to a local women’s shelter. If your book contains a strong regional influence, contact regional publications, service organizations or historical societies. These are just a few ways of thinking outside the box about book promotion. What are some other ideas which have worked for you?
The Lillian Vallely Fundraiser is now live! Perks include the Lakota Star quilt, author Skype chat, book bundle and more! All donations benefit the Lillian Vallely School, and donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE! Check it out here!

About Linda S. Clare

I'm an author, speaker, writing coach and mentor. I teach both fiction and nonfiction writing at Lane Community College and in the doctoral program as expert writing advisor for George Fox University. I love helping writers improve their craft and I'm both an avid reader and writer of stories about those with wounded hearts.

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