Still Learning

Last night’s talk at Portland ACFW went well–I know I had a good time. The Rule of Three is my attempt to help writers understand the need for pacing, rhythm and better reader management. If you write more than three sentences of dialogue, switch to an action beat or another speaker. If you write more than three sentences/paragraphs of flashback or backstory, remember that if the character was eating mashed potatoes in the “real time” scene,” the longer you stay in the past, the greater the liklihood that those spuds are getting cold.
I also got some good feedback on how to do a book trailer, which I’m attempting to create before July 10. This is where I am not the teacher, so stay tuned as I learn what to do and not to do. I am still a learner too.
Writing Tip for Today: At last night’s meeting, a group of first-timers showed up and most were just starting down the fiction road. For anyone who feels the road is long and hot and dusty, take an encourgement break. Sit under a shade tree, break out the canteen and your writing. When the odds seem too long and your success too far away, remember that persistence, practice and patience are the keys. Don’t give up!

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