Simple Christmas Givings

I couldn’t allow Christmas to go by without wishing everyone a merry, happy, calm, no-drama holiday. I wish you, writers, you, editors, you readers, a terrific Christmas and a prosperous, critically acclaimed and even well-published New Year. Most of us toil in obscurity. Authors I admire greatly are unknown to most people. If your name isn’t Stephen King or Sue Grafton, the books of your labors are lucky to stay in print and enjoy the midlist. Writing can be a very thankless job.
This year (second Christmas in a row with unemployed husband) we are once again Keeping It Simple (Stupid). Our gifts are small but meaningful, and I have proclaimed this the Year of the Book. To all of you who give books, especially one of my books, as gifts, Lord Bless ya. The really cool thing about giving a book (or even a magazine) is that readers can reexperience the gift as many times as they want to. Bravo!
Writing Tip for Today: This coming year, if you read a book, article or essay that especially touches you or is deeply meangingful, why not contact the author and tell that person how much you enjoyed what they wrote? You’ll be helping to lift all the writing boats, and keep books from going the way of the horse and buggy. Who knows, a carefully thought-out email to one’s favorite author might prevent writer’s block, writer’s remorse or even a split infinitive or two. Give a compliment and keep a writer writing! Merry Christmas, everyone.

About Linda S. Clare

I'm an author, speaker, writing coach and mentor. I teach both fiction and nonfiction writing at Lane Community College and in the doctoral program as expert writing advisor for George Fox University. I love helping writers improve their craft and I'm both an avid reader and writer of stories about those with wounded hearts.

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